PAC Fiber has the communication resources to make your business successful. We will work with you to look at what you need, your current infrastructure and other factors to help you build and expand your business. Whether it is high-speed broadband Internet access, VOIP communications, cellular services or landline telephone, we are the single resource you need. We also offer advertising for your business on our locally-based PAC TV. Please give us a call to set up an appointment to determine the right resources for you.
What is PACCESS?
Pembroke Advanced Communications’ PACCESS product line is a fiber optic based, high speed broadband connection to the Internet. PACCESS is comparative to a direct connection to the World Wide Web, bringing you the fastest access to everything inside or outside of Bryan County. PACCESS meets the needs of both individuals and businesses at speeds ranging from 10 Mbps up to 100Mbps. Should you require PACCESS at speeds greater than 100Mbps, please contact PAC Customer Service to customize a package to meet your needs.
What is “fiber to the premises (FTTP)”?
Pembroke Advanced Communications’ network is 100 percent FTTP! Fiber to the Premises (FTTP) is a technology that provides high speed services such as broadband internet, television and telephone access by installing fiber optic cables directly from Pembroke Advanced Communications’ serving centers to the end users business or home. Fiber optic cables are made of long strands of glass covered by protective metal and plastic shielding. Signals are sent via pulses of light rather than the electrical pulses used in copper or coaxial cables. This results in data being sent with extreme speed and reliability with little resistance or deterioration. The fiber terminates in a Network Interface Device (NID) generally located on the outside of the home or business. The NID converts the fiber’s light signals to electrical pulses that can be carried by wiring inside the home or business to a wireless router, hub or telephone. FTTP is considered to be future proof, as there are currently no foreseeable devices that will need more bandwidth than fiber can accommodate.
Is PACCESS faster than cable?
Depending on which PACCESS level you have, yes. PACCESS works to achieve a consistent connection speed between you and the Internet. With cable Internet access, you never know what you are going to get. All you have to do is just read their “fine print.” While they say you might get speeds of “up to” 6 Mbps, chances are it may be slower – a lot slower! Cable Internet access is greatly affected by the use of other subscribers in your area. You might get a promised speed at night when all you neighbors are asleep. But try using your cable access around 7:00 p.m., when your neighbor’s teenager is downloading songs for his iPod and the other neighbor is watching an online video of his cousin’s vacation. Your access will come to a grinding slowdown. With PACCESS, it is your own access line – you never have to share bandwidth again.
Is my broadband speed guaranteed?
All Internet access, regardless of provider, is best effort service. There are many factors that may affect speed, such as general data traffic on the Internet beyond our area, physical line interruptions and residence wiring conditions. Some things that happen far beyond Northern Bryan County are just beyond anyone’s control.